As I like crafting using felt craft which I promoted in
I like to make something dif rather than keychain,hp strap, pdrive case....
Yanie pke yani nk buat hp case/pouch yg x pyah nk susah2 keluarkan hp ble ade org call tau sms....
n the result.........
ni pandangan depan....
ni pandangan blakang...
ni pulak sisi....
cantik kn????lau x cntik pn korang angguk2 je la kpale tuh....tipu sunat...huhuhuhu.....
oh,sbelum tlupa, sape2 yg interested dgn felt craft ni n nk order blh g lwan web dibwah ok...TQ!!

cute sgt!!!!hehehe..kalo nk mcm ni satu, n mcm case bese 1 bleh x???kaler yg sama mcm lala mntk tu...tapi hp lala touch screen...xde keypaid..bleh ke wat???huhuh
blh je lala....lala bg ukuran yg touchscreen 2 blh???
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