It's 11.49 pm and I just finish printing worksheet for my pupils tomorrow… Quite tired, but still I tried to sneak a little time to my blog after it has been abandon for few weeks…
Hi bloggers. Thanks for choosing this simple blog to read. I just started my second practicum this week and everything seems to be rushing from 6.00 a.m. when I opened my eyes until the moment I close it back to gain another strength for the next day. After tomorrow, I still have another 7 weeks to catch. Hope I will able to do the best that I can for this semester. InsyaALLAH...
Before that, to Farhanah binti Mohamad Ashhar, sorry I can’t reply your message that day. I got 0.00 cent and there’s no 7e at the school area. Luckily your brother calls me at that moment so I can pass the reply of your message to him.
Talking about practicum, I had switched my school from SK Tangok (first practicum) to SK Kota Jembal. Different schools should come out with different environment. Yup, that’s correct and because of that, I’m facing a new experience. Teaching Mathematics to Year 5 Bestari, 3rd class from 5 classes at all which almost all of them had failed their Mathematics’ paper during previous test. I repeat, almost all of them had failed the paper. There are 32 pupils in 5B, and only 4 of them had passed the paper during UBB 3 last month. The rest failed the paper and the highest mark was only 43 over 100.
For sure it would be so challenging to make them understand what they had learnt after 5 years being at school. Sincerely there’s a feeling of sympathy while looking at them. Can you believe that at the age of 11, logically at their age, at least they should master enough 4 basic operations of Math like addition, subtract, multiplication and division but most of them got stuck when it comes to multiplication and plenty of them are still having problems with place value while doing addition and subtraction. Division? Only 4 pupils who had passed the paper can answer the questions. I swear it’s true.
Today’s lesson when I select one pupil to answer my questions on addition of decimals, other pupils told me that the particular pupils that I had selected do not even know how to read! Then, how come he can answer my question? Huh...I really feel the burden and it’s killing me right now.
First when I entered the class and introduced myself, ‘Hi, my name is Haryani and I come from IPG Kampus Kota Bharu.....Do you understand me?’ . Guess what; plenty of them said yes, others were looking at me like a predator, just to devour its prey. So how can I teach them Math using English?
To be positive, I’m not blaming anyone. I accept it as a challenge. Otherwise, this is the real face of our educational system. Well, young and new teachers should be posting at a rural area right? Haha.. A doctor kills a patient but a teacher kills a generation. To other trainee teacher, do take note, have some preparation. For sure we don’t want to be a teacher that kills a generation in the future right? The rest, do pray for me. I will try my best in guiding them for Mathematics. InsyaALLAH....
SK Kota Jembal's pupils during assembly...
p/s : saje nak polish English sbb next sem kena ngaja English...ade kesalahan bahasa tu mtk halal la ea... =)

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