Yo yo you all!!! Wassup2..... Suddenly otak tengah mereng sebab dapat jadual exam.....Oh no!! Nak praktikum sampai bila2.....sob3....while having the practicum suddenly there's a feeling of going to the class, having tutorials, gossips with peers bla...bla...bla...but when we are able to do so, then the feeling of practicum suddenly appears........ayoi!
ni jadual exam sayer.....kredit to shidi...dush3...x mo exam bley????? xpe2....4 semesters 2 go...but by the end of next year, there will be no exam at all, because i'm going to graduate...insyaALLAH....wish me luck dear bloggers and readers....hope that i'm able to do my best better than previous sem...hopefully.... =)

So, for sure there are 5 papers waiting 4 me this semester..i never noticed that...just know it few minutes before...haha...ngeng! thanx pakcik shidi....bagi sesape yang x faham pic kt atas ringkasan die...
18 Mei 2011 (2.30 p.m) = EDU 3106 (Budaya dan Pembelajaran)
19 Mei 2011 (2.30 p.m) = MTE 3109 (Teaching Numbers, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages)
23 Mei 2011 (2.30 p.m) = MTE 3110 (Linear Algebra)
24 Mei 2011 (2.30 p.m) = PJM 3112 (Pengurusan dan Pentadbiran Pend. Jasmani dan Sukan)
25 Mei 2011 (2.30 p.m) = ELE 3103 (English for the Language Teachers)
Jeng3....anyway, gud luck 2 everyone....pasni dah nk kne study yo! cau cin cau dulu..... nk main game...tata titi tutu!

mcm kenal jer post tu...wakakak....x mintak izinnnnn....!!!....haipppppp.... least i tag ur name okeh...
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