Actually bila masuk bab movie ni Yanie lambat sket...I mean lambat banyak gak la.....Sebab Yanie jenis malas nak stick dengan satu2 cita tambahan lagi cita2 yang panjang cam cita Indon...huhuhu....x dapek den nak menahan cito lamo2 ni ha...jangan nak kata cita Indon, cita Korea pon sama...lau nak tau cita Love Story In Harvard tu femes waktu yani form 4 a.k.a 16 thun....tapi 5 taun pastu baru Yanie tgk...waktu umo Yanie 21 even cita 2 dah berhabuk dalam laptop...bukannya x best, cuma malas nak stick dgn satu2 cita...lau tgk, minat pastu mula la x tdoq malam dok stay up tgk Boys Over Flower pn tgk sekerat ja...Coffee Prince pon skerat...Marry Me Marry ada la tgk 3 episod....Personal Taste ada ja dalam external hard disk tapi x bukak2 pon...Playfull Kiss tgk smpai habis pon sebab crita asalnya diambil dari crita It Started With A Kiss (Taiwan) yang Yanie suka sangat2 dulu....
So apa yg Yani nak cakapkan adalah Yanie cuma boleh tgk filem jer....huhuhu...habis 1 crita dalam sejam dua, ok boleh rileks...x yah serabut2 nak tau apa jadi next episode sebab memang x dak next episode....hehehe....tambah2 pulak crita yang Yanie suka bukanlah crita yang happy ending....Yanie suka tgk crita yang sedey2 yang boleh buat hati yang jiwang ni nanges...tapi last dia even bukan sad ending tapi biarlah di akhir rancangan, penonton akan dapat semangat yang dibawak oleh pelakon....haa...bunyi cam best...mai nak tunjuk crita pa Yanie minat....

Awal2 Yanie tgk crita ni waktu raya Cina dekat umah Tok sebelah abah....semua orang da tdoq tinggal Yanie ja....tepi TV ada kelambu mak n abah....awal2 crita ni lawak sangat2...terbahak2 Yanie gelak sebab heroin ni macam suka main terjah ja....tapi bila Myung Woo (hero) ni meninggal, Kyung Jin (heroin) x dapat terima kenyataan sebab dia ingat dia yang tembak pakwe dia...padahal ada polis lain yang tembak tapi bila tau dia tersalah tembak, polis tu lari senyap2...Kyung Jin pun nak bunuh dari tapi banyak kali diselamatkan oleh angin....Sebab Myung Woo cakap dia nak jadi angin dalam kehidupan akan datang...kepercayaan diorang macam tu... =)

awal2 cita...da cita lawak disebalik adegan ni... =)

Time ni Myung Woo cakap nak jadi angin dalam kehidupan akan datang.. =)
Sejak dari hari tu Kyung Jin jadi kuat, x takut apa2 cabaran sebab dia tau Myung Woo akan datang selamatkan dia dalam bntuk angin...tapi sampai hari ke 49 ja la...sebab ikut kepercayaan diorang lepas hari ke 49 roh akan dibawak pergi dari dunia...sebab tu Kyung Jin buat macam2 bnda bahaya semata2 nak rasa kehadiran Myoong Woo...sedey kan? bila sampai hari ke 49, Kyung Jin sempat jumpa Myung Woo...Myung Woo cakap akan cari lelaki yang sepadan dengan jiwa dia...huhuhu....

Bagi Yanie cita ni memang sangat2 sedey....da bertahun2 Yanie asyik ulang crita ni, baru skali ja Yanie x nangis sebab tgk cita ni dengan Wani Sani....berpuluh2 kali yang lain semua Yanie nangis....huhuhu....yela, apa perasaan korang lau korang menyebabkan pakwe yang korang sayang meninggal???da la dalam dunia ni cuma ada dia ja...tu la apa yang Kyung Jin rasa tau...
So setakat ni crita Windstruck ni la Movie yang Yanie paling suka, yang paling Yanie x bosan kalau ulang banyak kali pun.....owh, bawah ni sinopsis crita ni diambil oleh pakcik Wikipedia...
The film stars Jun Ji-hyun as Officer Yeo Kyung-jin, an ambitious young female police officer serving on the Seoul police department. One day while chasing a purse snatcher, she accidentally captures Go Myung-woo (played by Jang Hyuk), a physics teacher at an all-girls school, who was actually trying to catch the thief. Later, Myung-woo discovers the stolen purse, but just as he picks it up, Kyung-jin spots him and tries to arrest him again. Kyung-jin is then given the job of escorting Myung-woo through a dangerous district, only to be distracted when she tries to break up a meeting between Russian Mafia and Korean gangsters. With Myung-woo handcuffed to her, Kyung-jin almost single-handedly brings down the two rival gangs (although she is helped when she accidentally causes the groups to start shooting at each other).
The first half of the film, told from Myung-woo's point of view, details the couple's growing attraction and love for each other, which climaxes with a trip to the countryside where Myung-woo tells Kyung-jin that if he were ever to die, he wanted to come back to earth as the wind. Soon after, he is almost killed in a freak automobile accident, but Kyung-jin saves his life.
The film takes a turn into the fantasy genre in its second half after Myung-woo is accidentally shot and killed by another officer (although the situation is such that Kyung-jin thinks that it was her shot that killed him) as Kyung-jin chases after a criminal. Kyung-jin falls into asuicidal depression over his death and attempts to kill herself several times, almost succeeding when she throws herself off a building, only to be saved when a giant balloon floats under her. Soon after, she experiences visitations from Myung-woo, who appears as the wind, sending her messages and, at one point, he even appears in her dreams in order to give her the will to live after she is nearly shot to death by a criminal.
Ultimately the film follows a similar path set out by the American film Ghost with Myung-woo and Kyung-jin communicating and sharing one final gesture of love before he moves on to the afterlife. Myung-woo said that he will whisper, when she hears him whisper in the wind, she will meet someone with a soul like him. Myung-woo told Kyung-jin that he will always be beside her inside a book with a photo left by Myung-woo in the restaurant before he rushed to meet Kyung-jin who was chasing the insane criminal.
In the first half of the film, Myung-woo told that his only memory of high school was his high school trip. The book and the photo is found and returned to Kyung-jin in the police station. The photo showed that on Myung-woo's trip, Kyung-jin was nearby. This proved Myung-woo's "I'm always beside you" was true to Kyung-jin. Kyung-jin rushed out to locate the finder of the book, ultimately ending up in the train station, where she is saved by Cha Tae-Hyun's character (credited as The Guy). Myung-woo whispered that The Guy is the one with the soul like him. Kyung-jin whispers that "he is always beside her."
Update : Cerita ni diterbitkan pada tahun 2004 dan mendapat sambutan yang tinggi, ranking as the 8th-highest grossing Korean film of 2004.
Update : Cerita ni diterbitkan pada tahun 2004 dan mendapat sambutan yang tinggi, ranking as the 8th-highest grossing Korean film of 2004.
p/s : end of Day 2 challenge... =)

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